There are many studies that have been done on the nootropic agent called Huperzine A. This alkaloid compound is found naturally in a variety of the Huperzia species of plant. This substance is purified to remove any chemical ingredients. This nootropic supplement has been studied to see if it can provide any help for people who are suffering from dementia. They are also investigating the possibility that it may help patients with myasthenia gravis by reducing weakness in muscles.

What Is Huperzine-A?If Huperzine A is added to a person’s daily regimen, they are hoping for an increase in the retention of memory. Currently, 80 studies are being published on this subject and most of them have promising results. Prior to any real informative decision can be made about this compound; the research should be examined more closely.

We have accumulated a listing of a few of the intriguing research so you can formulate a well-educated decision.

1. Cognitive Deficits have been Reversed– Some diabetes patients suffer from a condition that affects the memory of people afflicted with the disease. In order to help the patients, studies were conducted on rats that were afflicted with diabetes. Each rat was administered Huperzine A during the trial that lasted 7 weeks. At the conclusion of the trial, it was found that every subject showed huge improvement in memory retention. The rats that were not given the supplement actually had a downturn of their physical and mental health.

What Is Huperzine-A?2. Symptoms Showed Improvement in Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease– Numerous research has been done trying to prove that this supplement was effective is helping people with Alzheimer’s disease or certain types of dementia. Test results from 2014 were compiled and stated extremely impressive findings.

Data from eight trials showed measurable improvement to the quality of life in participants who were given Huperzine A. Also, their quotient for memory improved as well for patients who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Restoring Functionality of the Cortico-Hippocampal– In 2013, studies commenced hoping that this compound could help relieve problems connected to Meyners lesions. Animals who suffered from this ailment were given Huperzine A during the experiment. The supplement seems to actually reestablish certain functionality. This meant that there was improvement in concentration and also memory.

4. Issues Created by Hypobaric Hypoxia were Reversed– People who have endured extended periods of time at very high altitude can suffer serious issues because of limits of oxygen reaching the brain. In 2012, scientists theorized that a certain amount of these issues could be reversed if they used Huperzine A. Male rats were exposed to simulations of elevations exceeding 6000 meters. They also gave each subject Huperzine A. At the conclusion, the rats treated with Huperzine A experienced reversal of spatial memory issues normally attributed to hypoxia.
Essentially, most people that even consider consuming Huperzine A want an increase in memory function. It doesn’t matter why the issues are there. All they want is to feel better. Huperzine A can possibly help with this. Though the amount is unclear and probably depends on the individual, many people are considering using it for the added benefits.

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